
Selected publications
1.Selected books and edited collections
(forthcoming) L Edwards ed Law, Policy and the Internet (Hart Publishing, in press due November 2018)
(forthcoming) L Edwards, E Harbinja and B Schafer eds Future Law (Edinburgh University Press, in prep for 2019)
L Edwards and C Waelde eds Law and the Internet (3rd edn, Hart, 2009) : Edwards contribution c 90,000 words
L.Edwards ed. Special issue on Privacy and Technology, (2006) 3 (4) SCRIPT-ed at http://www.law.ed.ac.uk/ahrb/script-ed/index.asp . Edwards also contributed an introduction.
Edwards L ed. The New Legal Framework for E-Commerce in Europe (Hart Publishing, Oxford, December 2005), 511pp
Edwards L. and Waelde C. eds. Law and the Internet : A Framework for Electronic Commerce (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2000), 342pp.
Edwards L. and Waelde C. eds. Law and the Internet: Regulating Cyberspace (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 1997), 257pp.
2. Selected Commissioned Reports
Social Media and Criminal Offences, HL Select Committee on Communications, 2014
Role and Responsibility of the Internet Intermediaries in the Field of Copyright, WIPO, 2011
The Use of Privacy Icons and Standard Contract Terms for Creating Trust and Confidence, Report for CDECatapult (with W. Abel), 2014
Redress and Alternative Dispute Resolution in E-Commerce Transactions, European Parliament Briefing Note, 2007, IP/A/IMCO/NT/2006-31 PE 382.179,
3. Selected peer reviewed articles, chapters etc (2004-)
“Enslaving the Algorithm: From a ‘Right to an Explanation’ to a ‘Right to Better Decisions’?” (with Michael Veale) IEEE Security & Privacy (2018) 16(3), pp. 46–54, doi:10.1109/MSP.2018.2701152
“Slave to the Algorithm? Why a right to an explanation is probably not the remedy you are looking for.” (with Michael Veale)2017 16 Duke Journal of Law and Technology 18
“Privacy, Security and Data Protection in Smart Cities: A Critical EU Law Perspective” (2016) 1 European Data Protection Law Review 28-58
“Privacy in Public Spaces: What Expectations of Privacy Do We Have in Social Media Intelligence?” (with Urquhart) (2016) 24 (3) Int J Law Info Tech 279-310
'Protecting post-mortem privacy: reconsidering the privacy interests of the deceased in a digital world' (with Harbinja) 2013 Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal , vol 32, no. 1, pp. 101-147.
“Anti-Social networking: social networks, privacy, law and code” in Brown I ed Internet Governance Handbook, (Edward Elgar, 2013).
“Reconstructing Consumer Privacy Protection On-Line: A Modest Proposal” (2004) International Journal of Law, Computers and Technology 314-344. (winner of the Barbara Wellbury Memorial Prize for originating idea of data trusts)